
20个大学中比较受欢迎的essay题目 怎么选essay题目?



The way stocks and bonds market function and what can affect them.
The challenges of a part-time job and its influence on students’ health.
The war on global warming and means of its prevention.
The value of higher education in the United States.
Single-gender schools’ pros and cons.
Security measures that infringe on personal rights.
The female population is yet to obtain an equal return for their economic contribution in any field.
Fast foods impact the life of an average college student.
Using cheap labor from the developing and underdeveloped countries.
The private lives of public figures.
The necessity of making the Pledge of Allegiance mandatory in schools.
The loss of historical data because of modern technologies.
Things that multiracial schools should promote.
The problem of a decrease in average literacy rates.
Do exams really show the skills and knowledge of the students?
Can stiffer anti-terrorism laws and regulations save the world from this type of crime?
How to select a college that suits your life and career goals.
The reason for the reduced productivity in some factories.
Lenient anti-bullying measures to be taken.
Using cannabis (marijuana) in medical purposes.





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还记得开头提过的问题吗?燃起热情,可以用fire,例句The trip

has fired his enthusiasm for all things French.而打击热情,要用dampen或dent。三个搭配资源,你学会了吗?




The essential part of the circulatory system is the heart. In other words, any organism cannot live without this organ properly functioning. The duties and mechanisms of these functions must be performed correctly or else there could be potential serious consequences to the rest of the body. When the human heart has failing left and right ventricles, then they can be replaced by a temporary Total Artificial Heart (TAH). It then becomes a critical point to make sure that this machine entering the body can perform safely and in a healthy manner that will not put the rest of the internal organs at risk for damage or failure. Through physics concepts like, observation of Ohm’s Law, pressure, flow rate, flow rate-pressure relationship, and Boyles Law; surgeons and medical experts are able to then observe, protect, and coordinate the adaptability of the temporary Total Artificial Heart with each of the individual patient’s lifestyle. Similarly, to any other kind of transplant of a foreign object into the body, there can be negative outcomes or side effects that come along, but this gives patients another option and more time. This has become another milestone within the medical world and medical history due to the fact that those who are on the verge of dying of biventricular heart failure no longer need to risk and wait to have a transplant of a real full heart but instead can choose to receive the TAH.




Although the features of the technology thus far described have long been a part of the classroom, recent advances can help the ease with which they can be used. Audio recordings may now be more easily made by the student using an ordinary laptop computer, whereas until relatively recently such technology was not as easily accessible . The potential for setting tasks for students at home may be allowed by asking them to watch a video on a video hosting site, which was previously a more difficult task to complete where only videotape was used. However, there are also some challenges that are brought to the unsupervised use of such technology as audio technology may be used to slow down or to stop and start a section repeatedly . On one hand, there is no harm in this being done to practice, and may in fact represent a useful tool for the student to work at their own pace without feeling penalised by the classroom experience . This can allow a more student-centred approach to language learning, allowing the students to complete some tasks at their own pace, freeing up space in the classroom for class-based activities.




Cultural clash is one of the key human resources aspects that affected Huawei. Huawei as a multinational company, the objective existence of the company’s internal cultural differences, is bound to cause cultural conflicts in the enterprise. As the process of global integration accelerates and the flow of human resources in multinational enterprises like Huawei continues to accelerate, this cultural friction will increase day by day and gradually begin to manifest itself in the internal management and external operation of transnational corporations, resulting in the loss of market opportunities for transnational corporations and the inefficiency of the organizational structure and make the implementation of the global strategy in trouble. Therefore, this essay will attempt to demonstrate how the Huawei can solve this problem and develop better for its brighter future using human resources management practices.While Huawei successfully achieved its trans-national development, Huawei also encountered many challenges in its human resources management. The transnational management practice of Huawei shows that one of the important factors that affect transnational management is that various cultural conflicts arise from the differences in value orientation and behavior among people from different cultural backgrounds. How to realize the absorption and integration of culture has become a problem that Huawei constantly solves in transnational management.


在该领域的早期历史(19世纪末/ 20世纪初),人类学家几乎都是欧洲人或美国人,他们认为他们认为是“原始”社会的研究是他们认为被西方影响“触及”的。 由于这种心态,该领域长期以来一直受到批评,因为它对非西方人的殖民主义,居高临下的态度及其对其文化的不准确表现; 例如,早期的人类学家经常写到非洲文化是静态的,不变的,这表明非洲人永远不会是现代的,他们的文化不会像西方文化那样经历变化。 在20世纪后期,像詹姆斯克利福德和乔治马库斯这样的人类学家解决了这些虚假陈述,这表明民族志学者更加意识到并预见到他们与研究对象之间不平等的权力关系。


In the early history of the field (early 19th/early 20th century), anthropologists were almost all Europeans or Americans who believed that what they considered to be “primitive” society was that they believed to be “touched” by Western influences. Because of this mentality, the field has long been criticized because of its condescending attitude towards non-Western colonialism and its inaccurate expression of its culture; for example, early anthropologists often wrote that African culture is static The same, this shows that Africans will never be modern, and their culture will not experience changes like Western culture. In the late 20th century, anthropologists such as James Clifford and George Marcus solved these false statements, suggesting that ethnographers are more aware of and anticipate the unequal power relations between them and the subjects they study.


加西亚·马尔克斯(GarcíaMárquez)在成年后的大部分时间里都是流亡哥伦比亚人,大部分是自我强加的,因为他对正在接管他的国家的暴力行为感到愤怒和沮丧。 他是终身社会主义者,也是菲德尔·卡斯特罗的朋友:他在哈瓦那为La Prensa写作,并始终与哥伦比亚的共产党保持着个人联系,尽管他从未加入过成员。 一份委内瑞拉报纸把他送到了巴尔干国家的铁幕后面,他发现,远离理想的共产主义生活,东欧人民生活在恐怖之中。 由于左倾倾向,他一再被拒绝前往美国的旅游签证,但遭到国内活动家的批评并不完全承诺共产主义。 他第一次访问美国是比尔克林顿总统邀请玛莎葡萄园的结果。


García Márquez was an exiled Colombian for most of his adult life, mostly self-imposed because he was angry and frustrated by the violence that was taking over his country. He is a lifelong socialist and a friend of Fidel Castro: he wrote for La Prensa in Havana and has always maintained personal contact with the Colombian Communist Party, even though he has never joined a member. A Venezuelan newspaper sent him behind the Iron Curtain of the Balkans. He found that away from the ideal communist life, the people of Eastern Europe lived in terror. Due to his left-leaning tendency, he was repeatedly denied travel visas to the United States, but he was criticized by domestic activists and did not fully commit to communism. His first visit to the United States was the result of President Bill Clinton’s invitation to Martha’s Vineyard.


Having defined broadly what the statutory definition of a refugee is, the next question which ought to be considered is why such a person would wish to come to the UK? As shall be discussed, the UK has not always had such a proud history of offering sanctuary to refugees. This does not, however, detract from the fact that in the post-Second World War years, but even in eras prior to that, the UK has been seen as a very welcoming and attractive prospect for refugees. Compared to certain Western countries, both within Europe and also in the wider economically developed ‘West’ (Australia providing the most stark example), Britain’s policies (and policies should be distinguished from actual practice and results here) have been relatively relaxed. The exact nature of these policies will be examined. Aside from these, the attractions of the United Kingdom to refugees are that the Isles offer political and religious freedom and liberty. The fact that the Church of England is part of the Establishment, this is less and less important in an increasingly secularised state, and anyway unimportant because of the primacy accorded to religious tolerance. Within the UK, refugees will suffer no systematic and State-sponsored persecution as they might elsewhere. As will become apparent, however, this certainly does not mean that refugees granted sanctuary within the UK are guaranteed freedom from such persecution at the hands of the grass-roots population.There is, then, an important distinction to be remembered when considering the history of Britain as a provider of sanctuary to refugees. This distinction is between the official State attitude to immigration and sanctuary, most recognisably apparent, of course, in legislation, and the attitudes of the population, all-too-often categorised by prejudices and narrow-mindedness, and manifested in attacks and effectively persecution of such refugees.


如果您决定拥有汽车经销商,则有助于了解通常构成您的运营的各个部门的结构。经销商不仅仅是一个销售汽车的销售人员。在幕后,以及销售后,很多事情都在继续。以下是组成汽车经销商的各个部门的细目,他们在那里工作,以及他们如何确保公司的成功。美国是一种汽车文化。作为孩子,我们玩玩具版本或小塑料复制品。作为青少年,我们会计算直到我们获得许可证的日子,然后希望妈妈和爸爸将贷款给我们他们的汽车 – 或者更好的是,用我们自己的一个礼物给我们。购买第一辆汽车是许多人进入成年期的重要仪式。精明的汽车经销商业主知道这一点,并相应地挑选他们的销售人员,以确保过程比压力更愉快。一个好的汽车销售员当然精通车辆的技术方面。他们还需要能够“阅读”他们的潜在客户,并在必要时准备好给他们一个吸引他们情绪的音调。一旦客户完成购买,他们就需要弄清楚如何付款。这就是经销商的财务部门所在。大多数经销商都有几名员工,称为财务经理,帮助客户安排汽车贷款。财务经理精通汽车贷款的各个方面,因此即使是信用评分较低的首次购买者也应该能够达成交易。根据客户的需求,财务经理还负责向上销售附加产品,如防锈,特殊油漆涂层或内部表面的额外保护。销售汽车涉及大量文书工作,其中大部分由会计或计费部门处理。这些人经过培训,能够跟踪从销售交易到服务和维修账单的所有事项。他们还处理所有保修索赔。从事会计和计费工作的人很少直接与客户互动(接待员和客户服务专家这样做),因此更重要的是他们磨练他们的簿记,会计和数学技能,而不是他们的销售精明。


If you decide that you want to own a car dealership, it helps to understand the structure of the various departments that will typically make up your operations. Dealerships consist of more than just a sales force working a car lot. A lot goes on behind the scenes, and after the sale as well. Here’s a breakdown of the various departments that comprise a car dealership, who works there, and what they do to ensure the success of the company. America is a car culture. As kids we play with toy versions or motor around in small plastic replicas. As teens, we count down the days until we can get our license and then hope mom and dad will loan us their cars—or, even better, gift us with one of our own. And buying a first car is an important rite of passage into adulthood for many people. Savvy car dealership owners know this and pick their sales force accordingly to ensure the process is more enjoyable than it is stressful. A good car salesperson is of course well-versed in a vehicle’s technical aspects. They also need to be able to “read” their potential customers and, if necessary, be prepared to give them a pitch that appeals to their emotions as well. Once the customer settles on a purchase, they’ll need to figure out how to pay for it. That’s where the dealership’s finance department comes in. Most dealerships have several employees, known as finance managers, who help customers arrange an auto loan. Finance managers are well-versed in all aspects of car lending, so even first-time buyers with low credit scores should be able to make a deal. Depending on the needs of the customer, the finance managers are also responsible for up-selling add-ons such as rust-proofing, special paint coatings, or extra protections for interior surfaces. There’s plenty of paperwork involved in selling a car, most of which is handled by the accounting or billing department. These folks are trained to keep track of everything from sales deals to service and repair bills. They also process all warranty claims. Those who work in accounting and billing rarely interact with customers directly (receptionists and customer-service specialists do that), so it’s more important that they hone their bookkeeping, accounting, and math skills, rather than their sales savvy.


This is the kind of philosophical suicide that Camus would consider to be a “humiliated reason.” Irony attempts to weaken, and even, therefore, eliminate the fundamental demand for meaning. Irony reduces the demand for meaning into a simple human desire, which can then be modified or suppressed, at least to some degree. However, meaning is not a desire; but instead is a need. We need meaning almost like we need simple physiological human needs like food and water. We can’t simply laugh off meaninglessness and say, “I didn’t really need objective meaning anyway.” That doesn’t solve the problem of the absurd as Nagel says it does. That escapes the problem. To be ironic is to not be honest with oneself.While Nagel and Camus each have their own point of view on the world, I believe that Camus perspective is far more logical and is better interpreted for everyday life.